Themify Event Post plugin H2 to H1 change

To change the Themify Event Post plugin, single post H2 to H1, add the following code to the functions.php file of the child theme. for more details see post:

WP Forms CSS Styles

Below are some commonly used CSS Styles for WP Forms integration into a website’s theme design and color scheme. /=== WP Forms ===/.wpforms-form {background-color: #222 !important;padding:24px !important;padding-top:12px !important;border:#444 solid 1px !important;}.wpforms-submit {}.wpforms-field-container b {color:#F30000;}.wpforms-field-container input[type=checkbox]:before {transform:none !important;}div.wpforms-container-full input[type=submit],div.wpforms-container-full button[type=submit],div.wpforms-container-full .wpforms-page-button,.wp-core-ui div.wpforms-container-full input[type=submit],.wp-core-ui div.wpforms-container-full button[type=submit],.wp-core-ui div.wpforms-container-full .wpforms-page-button,.wpformed-submit {color: #ffffff !important;background-color: #000000 !important;border: #F30000 solid 2px !important;/box-shadow:Continue reading “WP Forms CSS Styles”

Force WordPress to use specific template by default

The code below should be placed in the functions.php file within the Child Theme. The page template to be selected should also be defined in the $post->page_template = “replace-with-page-template-to-select.php”; replacing “replace-with-page-template-to-select.php” with the page template you wish to define.

Javascript to seek out a phrase and apply a CSS style to a portion of text within the phrase

Javascript to change OutPost to outpost and add CSS style The OutPost Code Here we are using javascript to find the phrase “OutPost” and change the phrase to lowercase, and then find the word “Post” within the phrase and apply a CSS style to the word “post”, without touching any instances of Out or PostContinue reading “Javascript to seek out a phrase and apply a CSS style to a portion of text within the phrase”

Block Countries or Continents

A useful tool for creating a list of IP Addresses to block a country using a .htaccess file Visit: Country IP Blocks